Frequently asked questions.
What is Tallow?
Tallow is rendered from beef suet, this is the best and most nutrient dense fat on cows that surround the kidneys. It can be ingested (as a cooking oil) or applied topically (as a lotion) with amazing healing and nourishing health benefits.
What makes tallow so special?
Tallow is full of fat soluble vitamins that our skin recognizes and utilizes right away, making tallow balm such a diverse skin care product for every age and every skin type, no matter whether it is summer, spring, fall or winter!
What are the benefits of 100% grass fed, grass finished Tallow?
100% grass fed and grass finished cows produce the best quality suet because of their diets. This also ensures the cows are not ingesting pesticides or herbicides in their diets. Cows that are supplemented with corn, wheat etc do not have the same nutrient profile in their suet and are there for of lesser quality in skincare. Tallow is rich in fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is also rich in B vitamins. It increases collagen production and is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and bio-identical to our own skin sebum. The name tallow actually means "sebum" when it is translated. It also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which fights against cancer.
How can tallow be used?
As an all around moisturizer it is incredibly nourishing and hydrating. Our tallow balms and butters can be used for, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, burns, wounds, scar healing, athletes foot, stretch marks, haemorrhoids, skin tags, acne, mastitis, shingles, face primer, after you shave to soothe skin, ear infections in children, pain management, wrinkles/anti-aging, cradle cap, cracked heels and hands, diaper rashes, vaginal yeast infections, itching, cracked lips, sunburns, topical steroid withdrawal, hand foot and mouth...etc.
What Ingredients are used in your products?
The tallow we use in our products are carefully sourced from local farmers who practice regenerative farming practices. We believe it truly matters from start to finish.
The oils used in our products are organic to ensure the finest qualities. After all, it is going on your skin.
What skin type is your product for?
All skin types! Whether you have typically dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes or burns, tallow balms are amazing to help delicately treat all different types and issues.
Why does my Tallow Balm have the scent of something other than essential oils?
We don't use synthetic, petrochemical-based fragrances to cover up the scent of the underlying ingredients like most skin care companies do. (Those chemical fragrances can be estrogenic and have many other toxic effects.) If you have an acute sense of smell or are accustomed to chemical fragrances that are in almost everything, you may be able to detect the natural scent of the product's ingredients, like tallow or oils, even in the products that have essential oils. This is normal and should reassure you that this is a completely natural, chemical-free product. After just a little time, most of these customers become accustomed to the scent or consider it a small trade-off for the wonderful therapeutic effects of the product. Although most people cannot smell anything other than the fragrance of the essential oils; it is important to remember that it is a natural health care product.
Does it apply like lotion?
No, it has a different consistency and you need much less of the product. We recommend rubbing it thoroughly in palms before application. A little goes a long way
Can I use it on my face?
Yes! When you begin to use this product on your face, put a very small amount on your palms and tap over your face in a very small layer. Keep in mind this is a natural healthcare product made of fats, so you might need to let your skin take the time to get used to having the product on it. Do not put too much on it to start as it might cause mild acne if applied too thick.
Can my tallow melt?
Yes! Please keep in mind that this is a natural product. Protecting it from extreme heat and cold will help preserve it for a longer period of time. If unfortunate circumstances happen and your tallow is in the heat for too long, it will turn into a liquid form. Not to fret, just pop it in the fridge and the consistency will return. But just know that temperatures will affect the product. It is best to store at room temperature for the perfect consistency. If you store it in the fridge it will be a little bit harder, if it is stored in a warmer place, it will turn to liquid.